Booking Engine

Global Booking Engine Product reports


AVP CRS booking engines configuration base on xml files.


Booking Engine Protection

Impact Monitoring

End Users Technical info

Based on GA4 tracking, records on device, OS and Browsers used by travellers on ALL BEs.

Booking Engine - Global Production 

All bookings by creation date recorded on a Booking Engine in the global D-Edge Environment

Common GA4 tracking for Smart/Touch, D-Edge BE and Attraction

Records based on event trackings stored in BigQuery

D-Edge Booking Engine dedicated reports

D-Edge Booking Engine Growth & Results 

D-BE activation growth over our clients and performance results compared to Smart/touch vs last year same period

D-Edge BE - Page Load Time

Page load time recordings on D-Edge Be for analysis

D-Edge BE - End User devices

Based on GA4 tracking, records on device, OS and Browsers used by travellers

GTM - Tag Monitoring

Tags triggering status through GTM on D-EDGE - Booking Engine (Ex - Convergence)

Consent Monitoring 

Based on consent events treated by Macaron solution on D-EDGE BE only.

Smart & Touch Booking Engine dedicated reports

Smart/Touch - Page Loading Time

Recording based on GA4 recordings of real page loads

Hub Booking Engine dedicated reports

HUB API - Monitoring on sampled traffic

Monitoring Execution time from different regions

HUB API - Usage on client Website

Detection and estimation on Booking Engine reference using HUB API on their websites.

HUB API - Linked Hotels  

List of hotels using Hub Booking Engine